When the Garden State's seediest crooks skip bail, it's up to lingerie buyer turned bounty hunter Stephanie Plum to track 'em down. Novelist Janet Evanovich sets her satirical thrillers in Trenton, N.J., a city Evanovich remembers from her youth. In her best-selling novels, she portrays neighborhoods with strong ethnic identities, a lot of attitude -- and plenty of food.
Plum is a scrappy if somewhat inept bounty hunter, and she'll eat anything, anytime. Evanovich admits she has her heroine's sweet tooth -- and proves it as she surveys the offerings at the Italian Peoples Bakery in Trenton: "There's apricot fingers ... shortbread ... chocolate chip snowballs ... lemon bon bons ... nut crescents ... strawberry linzer tarts." And, of course, cannolis -- a Trenton specialty.
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At police headquarters, Juniak passes by the place where a bounty hunter like Stephanie might turn in one of her captures -- or "skips," as they're called. "We come to the back of the police station here," Juniak explains, "escort the prisoner through this little lobby here and into our little holding cages."
For years Dave's Dogs took the number-one slot on my list of all-time crappy jobs held. This morning, I decided my present position had finally won the honor of replacing Dave's Dogs. I'm a bounty hunter. A bond enforcement agent, if you want to make me sound more legitimate. I work for my cousin Vinnie in his bail bonds office in the Chambersburg section of Trenton. At least I used to work for my cousin Vinnie. Thirty seconds ago, I quit. I handed in the phony badge I bought off the Net. I gave back my cuffs. And I dropped my remaining open files on Connie's desk.
Truth is, I don't exactly know why I was quitting. My stomach feels icky when I get up in the morning. And I go to bed at night wondering where my life is heading. I've been working as a bounty hunter for a while now and I'm not the world's best. I barely make enough money to cover my rent each month. I've been stalked by crazed killers, taunted by naked fat men, firebombed, shot at, spat at, cussed at, chased by humping dogs, attacked by a flock of Canadian honkers, rolled in garbage, and my cars get destroyed at an alarming rate.
Guide Samus Aran, an intergalactic bounty hunter raised by an ancient tribe, and traverse the many environments of a dangerous world. Parkour over obstacles, slide through tight spaces, counter enemies, and battle your way through the planet. Through her countless missions, Samus has never experienced a threat like the dread of ZDR.
There's a great DVD set put out by St. Clair Vision that offers nine films, appropriately titled "Spaghetti Westerns", and fairly oozing garlic oil and marinara. If you're only familiar with the Clint Eastwood 'Man With No Name' films, you'll be intrigued and entertained by the offerings here, among them "The Grand Duel". Lee Van Cleef stars doing what he does best, as a calm lawman on the outside with a seething vengeance on the inside. His character is a former marshal, but you're never really sure about that until he produces a star, and even then it's questionable.The only other Western I can think of that offers a homosexual character is "Little Big Man", and in that picture it was an Indian. Here, one of the Saxon Brothers is an overtly limp wristed, white suited desperado with a silk scarf for added effect. The fact that he's a ruthless gunman is almost beside the fact, his pock marked face is worthy of a seamy horror flick.The three Saxon Brothers are out to avenge the death of their father, and numerous flashback sequences that offer the darkened outline of the killer point to only one person, and yet when Sheriff Clayton (Van Cleef) reveals it was himself, it almost comes as a surprise. The Saxon's had fingered rival Philip Wermeer (Peter O'Brien) for the murder of the Patriarch; Wermeer's own father in turn had been murdered over his ownership of a silver claim. Early in the story, it appears that Clayton's quarry is Wermeer, until they team up following the apparent killing of Wermeer by bounty hunters - neat twist! If you're used to the Eastwood style of the genre, you might find the circus type acrobatics of "The Grand Duel" to be somewhat off base, but it seems to be standard fare in some of the other films on the collection I mentioned earlier. Here it's Philip who entertains with some improbable flying maneuvers, but it does make for highly innovative action sequences.Also pretty clever was the game of checkers at the Saxon City saloon. Played with glasses of whiskey, it seemed to me that the winner would be the guy who got drunk first; after all, you had to down your shot after jumping the opposition.I would swear I'd heard portions of the musical score in another film, it's so provocative you find yourself actually anticipating some it. There's a definite Ennio Marricone influence, though here it's provided by Sergio Bardotti and Luis Bacalov. Quite definitely another reason to tune in."The Grand Duel" is definitely one to sample, coming out near the end of the Eurowest cycle. Be prepared for marshals in business suits and the not so subtle portrayal of a gay bad guy, but also keep an eye out for the new patriarch David Saxon sporting the same dimple in the middle of his chin as the portrait of his father hanging on a wall. If that weren't enough, I'd say the bartender at the Saxon saloon was one gay caballero too!
If you're longing for a suspense-packed listen where the romance is given time to build over several mysteries, check out Janet Evanovich's wildly popular Stephanie Plum series. The first novel of more than two dozen, One for the Money introduces listeners to Stephanie Plum, a resourceful bounty hunter with attitude, New Jersey-style. In it for the money, she's going after cop-gone-bad Joe Morelli. Yes, Stephanie and Joe have a past, and it's pretty complicated. But she won't let that get in the way of her mission.
Tarantino's over-the-top spaghetti western Django Unchained follows a recently freed slave, Django (Jamie Foxx), who is recruited by the charming German bounty hunter, Dr. King Schultz (Christoph Waltz), to hunt down bounties with him. Over their journey, Django learns how to wield a gun and how to protect himself; turning him into a deadly killer.
Truly the most iconic western of all time and one of the greatest pieces of cinema, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly is the quintessential western. It has gunfights, evil outlaws, gun-toting bounty hunters, a civil war battle scene, and most important of all: a mesmerizing soundtrack that throws you right into this dreary world of outlaws.
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