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APRIL 8, 2023



Teen Boys Naturist Nudist


Deucer New Member Posted - 06/08/2009 : 08:22:49 AM My wife and I are both 39 with 13yo boy and 11yo girl. We are interested in joining a local nudist resort but are somewhat worried about their ages and thoughts. I frequented nude beaches, bare bun fun runs, clothing optional hot springs and swims on my own from 18-22, when I met my soon to be wife. She was raised very conservatively. At 24 I talked her going to a couple places, and she was surprised to like it. At 25 we had our boy and we both got too busy to go. At 31 9/11 happened and we decided to enjoy life. We went to hot springs on own and enjoyed it still. So we have taken the kids twice a summer since then. At their ages they jet followed parents. But where we go is quiet, it has often been just family for some of the time. When others are there, everything has gone smoothly. Kids love it and dont even think of it as odd, they are below the water much of tye time. This summer they will be older - 13 boy and 11 girl. By only do we plan to go to hot springs this summer, wife and I are talking about jointing a club just she and I go to once a year together. She is worried our boy will feel strange and get erections. I told her that nudists don't get erections because naturism is not about sex. I have never seen an erection at a nudist place. Of course I don't go often. I have been doing some research, not much, and have read that erections do in fAct occur quite routinely. I would like to know if this is in fact true. Young boys? Teens? Men? I can in understand in teens but I never even got close to one so I am surprised even disappinted. I liked how innocent the places seem. Again I told the wife that they don't happen and she has no reason to think I'm wrong since she never saw one while there. By the way I am worried that our boy might be susseptable to erections sine last summer he got one at the hot springs for the first time. He wispered it to me when I asked him to help me start lunch so I let him stay in water until it went away. I never told my wife. I just figured it may have been the warm water creating the erection as that has happened to me, but at my age, I can control it better. It may have instead been the older teenagers in the next pool over. So I guess what I am asking long windedly is what are the chances a 13yo will get an erection in public? A 39yo? What's the best way to ask them to join mom and dad in this lifestyle, or do we just drag them there whether they like it fully or not and say it's an adult decision, kids don't vote? Will it be more difficult on tye girl than the boy? Thanks! Any suggestions are apreciated! Country: Posts: 3 McNigel Forum Member

Posted - 06/10/2009 : 04:02:26 AM Tricky one.Generally boys of that age wouldn't be seen in anything less than huge baggy shorts. Mostly children of that age tend to cover up on nudist beaches. I don't know about clubs.It is likely that a boy of that age would get more uncontrollable erections than could be discreetly hidden. The first problem is that he will die of embarrassment. The second is the attitude of others. Most people would just laugh it off as the perils of ragging hormones, but there might be some who object.If he hasn't been frightened off yet, I'd explain that you understand and so will other people, if he isn't too brazen. Some times he might have to cover up.As for the girl tell her it happens to boys and not to poke fun or laugh.Our little kiddies are now 25 and 22. Ours is very much a clothing optional household. The boy is now shocked by this, the girl is more 'get a load of me!' They'll grow up. Edited by - McNigel on 06/10/2009 04:07:00 AM Country: United Kingdom Posts: 132 Balto Bob $ Supporter

teen boys naturist nudist

Posted - 07/07/2009 : 07:33:31 AM I'll answer two things for you:1.) Don't force the kids and tell them it's an adult decision. They're young and they're both at that "impressionable" age where their bodies are changing and their hormones are kicking, and if they've never done anything like this before and you suddenly tell them, without asking for their thoughts or giving them any say in the matter, that the whole family is going to spend a week naked with strangers, it could scare the crap out of them. Bring it up, educate them a bit, see what they think, but don't force them.2.) Erections happen, especially for teenage boys. Women understand that. If (when) it happens, be discreet. Hop in the pool if you're near one. Lie face down if you're sunbathing on a towel. Just cover up discreetly with your hands for a few moments if you have no other option. No one will be offended by an inadvertent erection unless you're strutting around showing it off, and that doesn't seem likely for you or your 13-year-old son. Country: USA Posts: 5 KristyM New Member

Posted - 08/12/2009 : 1:51:41 PM My teenage children (daughter and son) did not really want to be with me no matter where I took them. They are in their 20's today and we have a great relationship. I always stressed that everyone has a private life -a need for a private life - and nudism is part of that choice. As a young man, it would have been pretty difficult to discreetly manage an erection in public. All men know that teenage boys have erections without notice and repeatedly. (What's the point of joining a social nudist club when one is constantly trying to manage an erection? LOL) Country: USA Posts: 117 sailawaybob Forum Member

Posted - 08/12/2009 : 10:45:32 PM my two boys were raised as nudist from almost infants till they turned teens, they enjoyed going to the nudist resorts and swimming and playing with their friends but when they became teens they along with the other teens started to disappear, i don't believe it was the hangup about being nude but because they were teens and now had other interest. you will have a better chance with the eleven year old than the thirteen year old, but i wouldn't worry about the erections as most kids are playing and having fun i think some may have a erection and don't even notice. but i would give him and her the opportunity to go. Country: USA Posts: 1268 nudeguy Forum Member

Posted - 09/12/2009 : 3:12:50 PM quote:Originally posted by DeucerI have been doing some research, not much, and have read that erections do in fAct occur quite routinely. I would like to know if this is in fact true. Young boys? Teens? Men? I can in understand in teens but I never even got close to one so I am surprised even disappinted. I liked how innocent the places seem. Again I told the wife that they don't happen and she has no reason to think I'm wrong since she never saw one while there. By the way I am worried that our boy might be susseptable to erections sine last summer he got one at the hot springs for the first time. He wispered it to me when I asked him to help me start lunch so I let him stay in water until it went away. I never told my wife. I just figured it may have been the warm water creating the erection as that has happened to me, but at my age, I can control it better. It may have instead been the older teenagers in the next pool over. So I guess what I am asking long windedly is what are the chances a 13yo will get an erection in public?Duecer, teenage boys get spontaneous erections very often and anywhere they happen to be. Showing up nude in public where there also happens to be warm water, a nice breeze, and naked females romping about is going to make your son's arousal significantly more likely. I recommend that you refrain from insisting to your wife that erections don't occur at nudist venues, particularly among teenagers, because that statement is way off the mark.You commented that you didn't mention anything to your wife about your son's erection in the water ("I never told my wife.") The boy is very likely able to sense your need for secrecy in this matter and that fact alone will make him uneasy about it, or even ashamed.The next time he gets an erection in your presence, be casual about it. Tell him it's part of life, there's nothing wrong with having one, he's a totally normal boy and there is no need to be embarassed. But do emphasize the need to behave appropriately if (when) it happens around others, by not waving it around like a big flag and to just ignore it if he can't readily hide it. Not bringing others' attention to it is the best course of action. If someone does notice, he should stay cool as if nothing is going on.And as one poster already suggested, make sure your daughter does not make fun of him if (when) she sees him with an erection. Thirteen year old boys can be very sensitive about those comments.I also advise having a talk with "the wife" and admit the information you gave her is not entirely correct. She will almost surely spot your son with an erection one day at the resort. She needs to know he's having them, and providing correct information on the topic will lessen her shock and embarassment. If your wife knows how likely and normal erections are for a young teenage boy, she can take it in stride when it does occur and not make your son feel bad about an uncontrollable body function.This discussion reminds me of something Jay Leno said during a monologue a few years back. He mentioned a news report about teenagers experimenting with Viagra to get high. He concluded with, "Viagra??? At that age, kids ARE Viagra!" Country: USA Posts: 126 blavan Forum Member

Posted - 09/17/2010 : 4:11:29 PM Yes, he will get erections because he is a teenage boy, and his hormones are raging. It is normal, so he should be informed that it is normal, and that it is nothing to be worried about.His having an erection can be a teachable moment for you the parents to continue the process of showing him how to be a gentleman, and not behave in a manner that would cause anyone to feel uncomfortable. Erections come and erections also eventually always go away. You can help him through this, and not deny the whole family the experience of visiting nudists resorts together.We frequent a family nudist resort where there are many children of all ages including teenage boys. We have never observed a problem, and we have seen some erections managed very well.Being Naked and Being Real Country: Posts: 146 SyncVA Forum Member 2ff7e9595c


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