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APRIL 8, 2023



What You Need to Know About Micronta Road Patrol Xk Radar Detector Manual


Misplace your manual? Trying to do some in-depth comparison? We've got you covered! Listed below are links to the owners manuals, user guides, and/or spec sheets for many radar detector models. If you are looking for a description on one particular feature, our feature guide may be of more use. All documents will open in a new window.

Micronta Road Patrol Xk Radar Detector Manual

Verbally announce the exact frequency of the Ka band radar signal (ie. 34.759) to give you more information about the radar gun being used, without having to look up at the detector. Also handy for logging the exact frequencies on your dashcam footage. ?

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Permanent link to this article: -to-set-up-configure-uniden-r7-radar-detector/

Thanks you sir for your reply, i understand it is not a car detector, but the whole drive i never got alerted not even once, are you saying none of these officers had their radars on? i am going to reset to factory and see if it gives any different results, i drive this route very frequently.

For GPS lockout, does one have to press the Mute / DimPress button from each direction of approach? There is a radar speed sign near me at a T junction on the main road. That would mean using 3 storage locations for only one sign.

The most common audio warning is a series of "beeps" or "braps" that grow faster as you near the radar source. Visible alarms can be either a digital display of signal strength or a series of LEDs. Many detectors now offer alphanumeric LEDs which can show you the type of band detected along with its strength.

Helps eliminate false alarms from non-police X-band emissions encountered in urban areas, typically caused by automatic door openers at stores near the road. This is usually accomplished by reducing the detector's sensitivity since the ability to "see" long distances is not critical on city streets. Some detectors feature multiple sensitivity settings for city driving.

Radar detectors with GPS technology don't provide turn-by-turn navigation. Instead, they use GPS satellites to keep track of vehicle speed and provide warnings for when it exceeds a user-defined limit. They also allow the user to mark locations where there are known radar enforcement areas ("speed traps"), or where there are often false alerts, so the detector can either send a warning ahead of approaching those areas, or ignore the false alerts upon return visits.

K-band radar guns have what's known as "Instant-On" radar. This keeps the transmitter in "hot standby" mode, ready to be activated by an officer when the target is within 200-300 yards. Practically speaking, you can't really defend yourself against Instant-On radar; if it's been aimed at you, your speed has been measured by the time your detector gives an alert. However, if the radar was targeted on a car ahead of you, a detector with sensitive K-band reception will alert you. High K-band sensitivity is what allows manufacturers to promote a detector as giving Instant-On protection.

The introduction of the "stalker" radar gun raised the stakes in the detection game. Unlike all previous guns, the Stalker can be FCC licensed for any frequency in the Ka-band between 33.4 GHz to 36.0 GHz, and so cannot be picked up by detectors designed only for X, K, and photo radar. Stalker guns are being used in more than half the country.

In response, manufacturers have developed detectors with "Super wide-band" technology that sweeps all of the Ka-band allocated to radar, as well as providing continued protection against X, K, and photo radar.

Ku-band radar ranges between 12 and 18 GHz. It is used primarily for satellite communications, in both aerospace and broadcasting. It is used primarily in Europe and not seen much in America. In the radar enforcement realm, Ku is set at 13.45 GHz by the FCC and has only recently been introduced to the U.S. for speed detection.

Photo cop's effective range is 120-300 feet and it transmits a continuous signal, which is a plus for radar detectors. The distance at which it can be detected varies depending upon a detector's Ka-band sensitivity. Better detectors can typically sniff out a photo-cop system 1/4 to 1/2 mile away.

You can think of radar detector detection as law enforcement striking back against radar detectors. VG-2 technology identifies vehicles with operating radar detectors by seeking out emitted frequencies from the tuning oscillators of radar detectors. Fortunately, most detectors provide some form of protection against this technology. Detectors with VG-2 immunity are shielded from VG-2 police radar detectors without interrupting radar and laser protection. Other detectors simply emit a warning and shut down automatically when they sniff out VG-2 signals.

Spectre RDD sweeps a larger spectrum than VG-2 and also covers multiple bands, making it more difficult to elude. It is used primarily in areas where radar detectors are illegal, or to track detectors in commercial vehicles. Only a handful of detectors today claim to be completely invisible to both Spectre and VG-2 RDD cop radar.

SWS uses radar to promote highway safety by transmitting a signal to alert you of changing or potentially hazardous road conditions such as highway construction sites, accidents and railroad crossings. Most radar detectors detect SWS signals and include a separate alert signal to distinguish them from radar being used for speed detection.

A detector's ability to detect police radar while ignoring the presence of such devices as automatic garage door openers and microwaves, which may operate on closely neighboring frequencies. A good radar detector offers high selectivity as well as being highly sensitive.

A special type of 12-volt power cable that features built-in controls and indicators for the radar detector. A mute button, alert light, and power indicator are three typical elements found on most SmartCords.

Unfortunately, police radar is not the only source of X-band signals. Garage door openers, microwave intrusion alarms, microwave towers, and other high-tech equipment can fool a radar detector into giving off an X-band alert. Filters and redundant sampling are used to combat this "falsing."

We hope this helps answer some of your questions about radar detectors. You might also want to read our Radar Detector Buying Guide. And if you do have any more questions or want some help in choosing a radar detector, contact one of our advisors.

2 CARACTERISTICAS Su Detector de Radares de Tamaño Compacto de Road Patrol XK es una obra de arte como aparato. Recibe las señales de radar para bandas X- y K- y detecta todos los radares de policía, incluyendo los radares de pulsación y los sostenidos a mano. Un Medidor de Intensidad de la Señal en Forma Gráfica de Cinco Pasos Le permite ver la relativa intensidad de la señal del radar. Promedio de Incremento de Repetición del Sonido le permite escuchar la intensidad de la señal del radar que a sido detectado. CIUDAD / AUTOPISTA le permite ajustar la sensibilidad del detector para cuando maneja en la autopista o en la ciudad. Nota: Algunos estados y localidades regulan el uso de los detectores de radares. Verifique las regulaciones de su localidad antes de usar este detector de radares Tandy Corporation. Todos los Derechos Reservados Micronta, Radio Shack, y Road Patrol XK son marcas registradas son usadas por Tandy Corporation.

3 2 UN VISTAZO A SU DETECTOR DE RADARES Enchufe de Energía de DC Timbre Control de OFF/VOLUME CITY Control CITY Luz LED Luz Luz Indicadora de Energía Control de AUDIO ACCESORIOS Estos accesorios estan incluidos con su detector de radares. Asegurese de que usted puede reunir lodas las piezas antes de que arroje el material de empacado. Traba del Visor Traba de la Cuerda de Energía Un Fusible Extra Cinta de Colgar y Presilla Conexión del Encendedor de Cigarros con Cable de Energía DC

4 INSTALACION 3 ESCOGIENDO UN LUGAR Cuidado: Asegurese que la posición de montaje de su detector de radares no bloquea la visión del conductor. Usted tiene que colocar correctamente su detector de radares para que este pueda operar apropiadamente. Las señales de radar de las bandas X- y K- pasan atravez del vidrio y el plástico, pero son bloqueadas por metales. Estas bandas también pasan atravez del vidrio polarizado con muy poca o ninguna interferencia. Escoja un lugar de montaje que cumpla con los siguiente requisitos: La antena interior (localizada en el lado opuesto de los controles) tiene una vista obstruida de la carretera enfrente de su vehículo. No interfiera con la operación de su vehículo. No esta detrás de objetos metálicos tal como parabrisas, antena de radio, vidrio de espejo, o visores contra el sol. Esta lo suficientemente alto para darle el mejor punto de vista hacia el horizonte y reducir las posibilidades de interferencia de los parabrisas. No golpeará a alguien en caso de un accidente.

5 4 MONTANDO EL DETECTOR DE RADARES Use uno de los siguientes métodos para instalar su detector de radares. Nota: Nosotros no podemos anticipar todas las maneras en que usted puede montar su detector de radares. No monte el detector de radares donde este pueda causar golpes a alguien en un accidente. Por ejemplo, no monte su detector de radares en un visor si esto coloca al detector de radares cerca de la cabeza del conductor o el de los pasajeros. CINTA DE MONTAJE DE COLGAR Y PRESILLA Para algunos tableros, el fijador de colgar y presilla que esta incluido con su detector pueda que sea el mejor método de montaje. Siga estas instrucciones para usar la cinta de colgar y presilla. 1. Use un trapo húmedo para limpiar la parte de abajo de su detector de radares y el tablero. Permita que las dos superficies se seguen completamente. 2. Su detector de radares puede que se mueva si es montado en un tablero curveado, por lo tanto use un fijador en cada uno de los extremos de 5

6 abajo el detector. En un tablero plano coloque un fijador a cada una de las puntas de su detector de radares. (Corte los dos fijadores que han sido administrados para fijar el detector en cuatro lugares.) 3. Quite el papel de atrás del fijador, y aplique el fijador a la parte de abajo del detector de radares. 4. Remueva el papel del otro lado de la cinta adhesiva fijadora, y presione su detector de radares en el tablero. Nota: La cinta adhesiva talvez no se pegue a una superficie que a sido tratada con un limpiador o protegedor de vinilo. 6 2ff7e9595c

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